Hi Bakerboy, I hope your treatment is progressing and you've managed to get your head around the possible after effects.
I was disgnosed in June 2019 with advanced PC which had metastasized into the bones. My PSA at diagnosis was 562. I started hormone therapy immediately on diagnosis and then, in September 2019, started a course of chemotherapy which finished with a final treatment on New Years Eve (partied till late afterwards).
Soon after starting the hormone therapy my sex drive began to dissappear and the chemo sort of killed it off. I found that sildenafil (viagra) worked for me at first but gradually the desire for sex went away.
My wife and I have been married 46 years and, up until the cancer, had an active and enthusiastic sex life. We now have quite a lot of cuddles and every now and again I get the little blue pills out and I 'look after' my wife. Climaxing for me is , unfortunately, a thing of the past.
HOWEVER, we still have a fulfilling and loving relationship. We do loads of stuff together. We have a wonderful family. Our relationship has changed and adapted as relationships do over time.
Talk to your wife and keep talking to her. She will be just as worried about the situation as you are. If you feel crap, tell her and encourage her to share her worries with you. Use these message boards and ask as many questions as you need. The cancer nurses, male and female, have heard all the questions you want to ask before, so dont let your hang ups stop you asking.
Finally, good luck with the treatment. If you're unsure about the treatment suggested, ask questions and, if the answers don't convince you, ask more!
Incidentally, my PSA has been static at around 2 since chemo finished, and generally I'm feeling OK.