Hot flushes can go on for a long time after hormone therapy finishes, and sometimes never completely go.
Do you have any evidence your testosterone has returned such as other hormone therapy side effects having gone? Have you had a testosterone level test? In a small number of cases, testosterone fails to recover after hormone therapy.
The mechanism causing hot flushes is still not understood as far as I know.
There are some treatments for hot flushes.
Acupuncture is usually the first one to try. It may be available for free from where you has your treatment.
There are also 3 drugs, Medroxyprogesterone, Cyproterone, and Megestrol. They all have side effects, and require monitoring liver function. I generally suggest not using these unless hot flushes are a major problem because of possible side effects including risk of liver toxicity and in some cases cardio issues too. Also, I'm not sure which are safe to use when you aren't on hormone therapy. For example, Cyproterone is also an anti-androgen, so you don't want to take that.
Edited by member 13 Apr 2020 at 22:10
| Reason: Not specified