Hi all,
I've thought long and hard about posting this for a while now as I feel that perhaps I shouldn't, but....
I've not been active here for quite a while now, the reasons are basically two fold it wasn't doing my mental health any good keep being reminded of the sword of Damocles hanging over my head - I needed to be getting on with living rather than contemplating my PCa navel. Also as time went on friends on here started succumbing to the disease while I bumbled quietly onwards.
I've popped back in on occasion, felt bad and left again.
However, here is an update of my current status. As some of you will possibly remember, I was diagnosed just over seven years ago with a PSA around 500 Gleason 8 (5+3), T3a, N0 M0 (I had to look it up I'm pleased to say, I couldn't remember) I had radiotherapy plus Aberaterone as a trail drug all served with a side order of Zoladex.
Bottom line, numbers dropped to 0.01 within the year and stayed there.
Had to have an adult discussion with my Oncologist regarding having a hormone holiday as he was concerned with the high original PSA numbers but we agreed a trail period.
Fast forward to today, numbers still at 0.01, still off HT and been discharged from Oncology care.
I receive my PSA tests via my GP with a plan to return me to Oncology care if the numbers move.
It's not all great, libido is zero but the boss is a trouper, my bladder and bowel function is 'erratic' from RT damage but we live a 'new normal' life.
I'm watching the grandchildren grow up, something I didn't think would ever happen.
So, swings and roundabouts.
So, fantastic news for me but I feel survivors guilt or something similar when I know others have not been so fortunate.
From those that remember me from the summer meet ups as a bit of a chunky monkey I've joined the local gym and lost over four stone in old money. Plus I was a poster boy for the gyms last nationwide advertising push, mainly on social media but hey - I'll take it! Here is the web page if you are interested.
So, take this as a tale of hope and good news or as an enormous bragging post (not my intention) and hopefully take away something positive.
All the best and keep well my friends