Hello Bazza,
Firstly, you did not come across as arrogant at all. You clearly felt isolated and your vulnerability was heart rending. I haven’t posted on here for a very long time but I felt the need to send you a message.
You have helped me like so many other grateful people on here. Thank you.I want to offer advice from bmy husband on pain relief. I have added info on my profile so that you can see the stage that we are at. It may not work for you; it doesn’t always work for him but anything that may help is worth a try. You may have considered and tried all of them but I’m going to suggest some - just in case. Obviously, your oncology ‘team’ is your first and most important port of call. As you know, the correct medication and dosage is crucial.
Anyway, in no particular order, my husband suggestions:
• Heat pack for lymph node pain
• Hot bath
• Regular re positioning. He moves from sitting in a normal armchair on to a recliner chair and moves this at different angles. He lies in bed with two pillows or propped up with three pillows m. He also sits up in bed using an armchair type pillow (bought online). We also bought a figure of eight type of cushion to help with pressure sores that developed at the base of his spine. He says this cushion is the best thing I have ever bought him! (I must be really terrible at buying presents!)
• Knee brace and other supports
Maybe none of these will help but
t nevertheless we send you all the best wishes in the world Spartacus - from your rebellious slaves xx
Edited by member 17 May 2020 at 14:05
| Reason: Typos! My phone is shocking. Sorry.