Hi Spaulding,
I finished 10 rounds of docataxal last year, after being on enzolumide which had kept things low for while. I knew the docataxelmwasnt working before I finished the treatment and after a chat with the consultant we agreed that I would try there the cabazitaxel which was the chemo xl. I found the SE a bit harder but manageable, even got to do a canal boat break in oct. I did have the stop it after 6 rounds as this too, did not seem to work. Was it worth is, I am not 100%!sure but at that stage I was willing to try anything.
Dark warrior is right about keeping an eye on the alkaline phosphatase for bone mets. This is the last bullet in my gun and currently being treated with radium 223, a treatment to not treat the source but to douse the flames for a while.
Good luck