Hi all and thank you for replying and the support already shown.....
To give further clarity i have had clear 'sticky' penile discharge for around 5 years now. Sometimes I can just feel it come out of my penis, other times if I have urinated its there at the end of urination. Sometimes I urinate and then a few minutes later more urine will come out along with this discharge. I never had either this or the rash I get before and now I have it every single day.
All the STI tests I have taken have come back negative (the have been both private and NHS and have been blood and swabs, etc).
Because of this the GUM clinic referred me to a Urologist as they could see pus and white blood cells in my urine but no bacteria grew from these cultures. I know it sounds strange but the rash and the discharge go hand in hand - I don't have one without the other before.
The urologist took a MRI scan and noticed the inflammation around my prostate and as no bacteria could be found assumed it was prostatis. He has prescribed me 3 months of CIPRO to be taken twice a day but this has had little impact.
The rash is intermittent but at any one point I will have a spot on my body of it.... its a complete mystery as the discharge does not go away, it never heals or stops. All signs point to Ghonerrea but I have had multiple tests for this. The Urologist is assuming Prostatis due to the inflammation but again can't be sure.
I am really sorry to burden everyone with this - I can upload images, etc if that helps.... any support/guidance is greatly appreciated.
thank you (and apologies for any typos I'm doing this on my phone!).