I was talking with a urology clinical nurse specialist (CNS), not mine, not even my hospital.
They are facing management pressure to go back and work on wards - management don't see the value of their role, but need more ward nurses. The CNS said it's very difficult to demonstrate the value of their work to management (and I know this one is extremely valuable to patients, and is explicitly requested by name by patients).
If you've had good support from a CNS, you might like to let them know by post or email or in some form they and their department can use to show their management the value of their service. They deal with patients who are understandably all wrapped up in their own problems at the time, and rarely think to say thank-you, and this can make it more difficult for the CNS's to justify their role. I'm aware some hospitals have way too few CNS's, and this could help to get that resolved too.