The first thing Paul, is to “calm down dear”.
Sorry to hear of your unfortunate news, but from what you have said prostatectomy is not your only option, and your cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence, to which many others here are able to attest.
It was a shock for you, but not for me when the consultant - (then face-to face) - told me the news, as I had already twigged that a rise in PSA from 2 to 16 meant that something was going on.
You will have to wait for your next scan, presumably a bone scan, and then when all the results are in, think about ongoing treatment. If you are scientifically or medically-minded you might like to request all your medical records of those tests from the hospital for a nominal fee.
I had a (was going to write hysterectomy!) prostatectomy over two years ago by a leading surgeon, and I have no cancer, no incontinence, no erectile function and he still owes me 2”, as my only side effects. The surgery and recuperation were virtually painless.
When you have more comprehensive information about your case, come back to us as there is a wealth of knowledge and personal experience here to help and advise you through this hiccup in your life!
Best of luck.
Cheers, John.