Wow that is quite a detailed diagnosis. BTW the T2 mentioned above is nothing to do with the staging, it's about how Mri signals are transmitted. But I'm still fairly confident that from all the rest of your diagnosis.
Your PSA is 4.18
Your gleason 3+4
In particular the capsule being intact, Seminal vesicles clear, and the reasonably low psa make this sound like a very treatable cancer. It is unlikely to have spread.
Surgery would almost certainly remove this cancer completely, but find out if it would be nerve sparing, if not you won't have a good sex life, if it is, you may have a good sex life but nothing is guaranteed. You may have incontinence.
HIFU may be possible, but may not be available on the NHS. It is not a very invasive treatment but isn't very successful and may need repeat treatments. A few members on here have experience of this and will help you if you are interested in this treatment.
Brachytherapy either LDR or HDR may be possible. Not as invasive as surgery and probably just as successful.
EBRT even less invasive, but will result in radiation dose to bowel etc. Which is not very desirable.
ADT, also known as HT may be offered at the same time as the other treatments. it can make them more effective.
Fortunately Chemotherapy is irrelevant your cancer is not advanced.
I can't think of any other treatments but there may be some.
Just pick whichever seems best for you post it on here and see what other people have to say. Then choose another one if it doesn't sound right for you. When you see the specialists you will be so much better informed.
Edited by member 07 Sep 2020 at 23:02
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