Thank you for bringing me into this site. I am recently diagnosed as "locally advanced" and am reasonably well versed in the medicals &c. I am 86 and the diagnosis only occurred via a GP who said better not to dip my urine (as I asked) but do bloods for a query I raised with her and returned +++++ PSA. Very fast entry to NHS Urology/CTI, not had and do not want blind biopsy. Am now on Zoladex. Now, the problem I have .... and I am not complaining or whinging .... is based on logistics. I am age related barred out (over 80) from mpMRI by the hospital management, not by a medical decision. My query is this ... can I contest or do I pay for private ? Of course, I do not want to upset the Urologist, but I need to do sone forward planning, based on fact. Thank you for advice.