I was diagnosed stage 4 in May 2017 and have since been on Abiraterone and Prostap which has worked like a dream, PSA unrecordable for nearly 3 years. Does anyone know of any data around average time to failure of this treatment line and average overall survival times? Morbid I know but as each 3 monthly test comes and goes I know I’m getting nearer and nearer to the treatment stopping working and it’s getting tougher and tougher mentally.
Even if I am wrong key is to live like it will!
An important difference for you is that you have been on Abiraterone almost from the outset, and not starting from the point of becoming castrate resistant on the first GnRH Agonist/Antagonist injections. I believe this is quite different from people who start Abiraterone later on. I haven't searched out the STAMPEDE trial data, but that closest matches your situation.
Wishing you the best.
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