After surgery, I was delighted to be told that my margins were clear, and because I'd had 'non nerve sparing' surgery, I accepted that I'd never have sex again; but hey, I was alive!
It was after a few months, I started to feel aroused after watching a TV programme. Wishing for the past I went to the bedroom and started the process of masturbation, expecting nothing! To my amazement, I had an orgasm! I was delighted yet astonished, after all, I was led to believe that those days were over! OK, I didn't have a huge errection, but it was big and plump, looked healthy, though there was some urine leakage.
I'd tried the vacume pump once, what a hideous contraption, I put it in the plastic recycling bin, god knows what they thought at the depot! Over the next year I was happy sitting on the edge of the bed and perhaps once a week I'd have a great orgasm.
Moving forward, and this very much depends on your wife, girlfriend or other preferred service! Although you will probably never have enough of an errection to penetrate, with oral sex, you don't have that problem, and in my opinion, even more enjoyable. You have to be careful and not drink fluids for at least two hours before, but the result is out of this world! It keeps your penis healthy and well worked, you feel like you've got your sex life back, and there's no looking back.
Why are we all given just a vague picture of what sex might be like after prostate cancer surgery, the information delivered in such a way as to leave us completely in the dark, holding a vacume pump or a syringe at best?
Use your imagination guys, it can take you to places you may have never even thought of!