Hi I am a 39 year old, usually healthy and relativly fit male.
In the last few months I have been having a feeling in my groin just behind my left testicle, it is a feeling that there is a blockage or that something is present that shouldnt be, It gives discomfort and a dull ache. although there is nothing I can physicaly feel,
In the last 14 days I have had what i believe to be kidney pains (Left only) and this has been constant for this time and sometimes quite severe, the pain has occasionaly spread into my abdomin and also spine.
I have just had blood and stool tests (results not back yet) and am going to see a urologist soon as refered by my Dr.
Am I overthinking, am i been silly, I just cant stop thinking that my body is telling me something is not right,
Has anyone had simliar symptoms or can offer any comfort as I cant stop worrying ?