please can i ask advice? my 55 yr old husband was diagnosed last yr with prostate cancer, grade 1 but a lot of it.he also had prostatitis so severely that he was hospitalised with it.had brachytherapy last summer june/july.pist brachytherapy psa dropped from 5.0 to 1.1
3 monthly psa has been around 1.1 since.
he started to have urinary symptoms about 6 weeks ago.has had two courses of antibiotics for prostatitis.
last 3 month psa was 3.4 then 3.2 four weeks ago.but yesterdays psa was 5.2
has anyone any experience or advice about this please? he has been referred back to urology for surveillance and consultant said he wouldnt be concerned unless theres a continual upward trend but they dont know about this last psa of 5.2
thank you in advance
kindest regards