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Incontinence Episode Out of the Blue

Posted 18 Jan 2021 at 14:21

Hi all, my lovely chap had a radical prostatectomy in June last year and after the initial recovery period has been dry for several months.  He stopped wearing the pads and all has been well.  He is a fit and lean 62 year old.  However, overnight last night he had an 'accident' and it has really knocked his confidence.  I can completely understand how he feels and no matter how much I try to reassure him, he feels embarrassed about it.  I am wondering whether he is expecting too much too soon, as it has only been 7 months.  We have talked about him doing his pelvic floor exercises more regularly and he is going to go back to wearing a pad at night until he builds his confidence back up.  I am hoping the wonderful community on here will be able to provide some experiences/reassurance about this that I might be able to pass on.  Thank you all, Amanda

Posted 18 Jan 2021 at 14:41
First thought is a urine infection - they don't always produce the obvious symptoms. Second thought is that for some reason he was just in a much deeper sleep than usual - has he had a particularly tough few days? Did he have alcohol yesterday? Did he take a sleeping tablet for some reason?
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 18 Jan 2021 at 15:11
Thank you for your reply Lyn. I did ask him if he thought he had a urine infection, but he doesn't think so. We have some tests here because he had a lot of UTIs before he had treatment for PC, so I will suggest he checks.

No issues with stress (happily retired) or alcohol (he did have a G&T but no more than usual!) and he doesn't take sleeping tablets. He does think he forgot to go to the toilet before we went to bed last night. I did say perhaps he was just in a very deep sleep, but he is shocked that he didn't wake up because he needed the toilet. Amanda

Posted 18 Jan 2021 at 16:04

I had a RARP four years ago and exactly the same happened to me after six or seven months or so. I was dry at night right from the start and then one morning woke up wet. It has never happened again, although I also wore pads for a while just in case.



Posted 18 Jan 2021 at 16:27

Bill, thank you so much for your reply, this provides him with the sort of reassurance that I can't give.  It is really good to hear, thank you.  

Posted 18 Jan 2021 at 22:32

I had an "accident" out of the blue 2 years after my op.
Went to see a band with my future wife, had a bit to drink combined with lots of dancing - taught me a big lesson, simply didn't know I was pissing myself with every "bop".


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