Hello Corrie
It seems we have very similar circumstances. My husband age 54 extremely fit and healthy was diagnosed in October with advanced prostate cancer. Psa was 739 and widespread bone metastisis. This includes his spine. Completely devastated and shocked beyond belief. No family history. We also have 2 grown up sons.
He was started on degralix injections and Abiraterone. The good news is he has responded very quickly to the treatment and psa down to 0.12. He is no longer in awful pain and mobile again. He may even get back to some cycling!
I saw your previous post and how you are feeling is completely normal.! It took me 3 months to stop crying spontaneously.... whether it be in the supermarket, in the car, doing the dishes. My husband cried a lot too and we have cried together many times at the cruel blow that has been dealt just at a time in our lives where we too thought, OK time for us now.
The side effects of hormone therapy is a significant adjustment but our priority is treatment and my husband being here for hopefully many many years to come.
It's early days but we are coping better. The treatment working has been a major boost. We are gathering as much info and research as possible and focusing on staying physically active as this is evidenced to prolong survival.
Hopefully things will improve in the next few weeks once treatment is underway, and you will feel stronger emotionally too.
The best to both of you on this journey that's been thrown at you. This site is great with lots of knowledgeabke folks, advice and positivity.
Hang in there!