Three years post RARP I gained a temporary suprapubic catheter and leg bag ready for SRT. The bag is now for life, the bladder has been severely damaged and the chance for a urostomy is between pretty slim and nothing.
It is amazing how we as humans can adapt to a new normal. It's not great carrying your waste products on the outside of the body. I have an attitude to most things in life, can I do something about it ? If yes then get on and do it, if no then don't waste time worrying about it. It doesn't always work, but I try.
Hopefully your bag will only be temporary and you can get almost back to your old self. During non covid times my neighbour and I walk our dogs, my neighbour has had a colostomy for 17 years due to Crohn's. He leads an active life and always has a cheery disposition. He will gladly talk to you if you want a chat.
As suggested do some research and if possible get the best surgeon to do the reversal.
As already said a realistic view is important, but quite often I see on here the risk of side effects being brushed aside. On balance our experiences are thankfully not too common.
Hope all goes well and keep going. Hope your PSA result is low.
Thanks Chris