This is very interesting. It seems to echo much of my own history.
I eventually saw the report of my 28/2/21 CT scan which spoke of "a well-defined 18mm nodule arising from the left kidney which could be a sold mass or a hyperdense cyst." The conclusion goes on to talk about a bone metastasis on T12, suspicious sclerotic bone lesions and extensive lymphadenopathy in the para-aortic and right iliac regions . . . but says nothing at all about the kidneys.
I then noticed in my earlier Renal Function Tests that my glomerular filtration rate was 77 compared with the nomal minimum of 90; other electrolytes and creatinine were normal. This suggests depressed kidney function - the question is whether it means cancer of the kidneys.
I flagged this as a query for my next oncology discussion, but I have come to respect the opinion of these forums.
So, what do you think..?
Edited by member 12 May 2021 at 16:18
| Reason: Typo