After about 6 attempts of re-scheduling it due to national (?) manufacturing failures I was told; I finally had my PSMA PET scan today😀
Hopefully this will give me and the Oncology department some info about if my PC is anywhere it shouldn’t be...Er not that it should be anywhere at all....
My post OP PSA was a depressing 0.81 and when I phoned my local surgery after another test following the first Oncology visit for the result, I was told in no uncertain terms by the highly qualified “Receptionist-prostate-cancer-specialist-wannabe-doctor” that “It is very good” and nothing to worry about, it’s well below normal....”
I politely explained that it wasn’t very good at all and could she give my the latest result as that was the last one.., she then told me “3.5”, which was a shock.... I later found out that this was totally wrong this is the normal range sited on the form she was reading.
It has however risen to 1.0 .☹️
I suggest if you can, and your surgery supports it, register for the electronic patient access system. That way you can read all your historical records and consultants letters sent to and from your surgery, and get your latest test results. Not all the information is accurate though I noted. It will allow you to bypass the local “ Receptionist firewall” and see what they look at when you ring them....
So tomorrow I start my Bicalutamide 50mg HT, not looking forward to it, but I understand why I have to have it.
Any suggestions please as to the best time of day to take it?
Breakfast first thing, or leave it till nighttime?
Are there any benefits of dosing yourself up overnight Vis during the day?
3 months of this then Zapp!
On another note... someone I know had a PSA test after I spoke to them about it last Nov following my diagnosis; they have now had a Gleason(3+3) diagnosis.
Not sure how to feel about that, equally good and bad feelings about it...feel like I have screwed up their life too!
I so F’ing hate this thing!