The first biopsy (November) was cancelled on the day, because the surgeon decided he needed a general, not local anaesthetic, the second (January) because of Covid, the third (February) because it was in a different hospital, where the surgeon didn’t like the equipment. However, the only communication we have had since September has been from clerical staff, arranging, then cancelling the biopsies. The final straw was when I phoned and was told that there are no procedures being booked for his consultant until at least April. The secretary herself is working from home, and so we are almost always greeted by an answerphone. I have emailed the consultant and the secretary told me she will leave the file on the consultant’s desk, but “there is no guarantee that he will look at it.” I have now decided that I will consult PALS if we don’t hear by the end of the week. My husband is very reluctant to “pester” and actually gets annoyed with me when I do, but feel this has gone on long enough.