The key question you asked .. quote "how do I know if the cancer has spread too far for surgery to be an option".
As Lyn , Mike and others have 'alluded' to, no one knows precisely. (see my profile and others that have posted) . Put in the mix, your own fitness, whether still working, partner/family if they know your dx. (positive/negative pressures to do something) You are still very much in the 'curative' stage, as Lyn states, PSA will give an indication, nothing more or less. I 'sat' on my PSA value in many ways, and things worked have worked out fine. However we were still quite surprised when told ... started to transgress the capsule.. It tends to focus the mind.. Again lesion(s) could have been in that position for a year or 2, you can't reverse engineer/project a single biopsy, a consultant suggested to me, probably +7 years from the initial mutant cell.. Obviously surgery is only one option, and will give the greatest impact re. ED. The right time is when you think it's right, in many ways. Maybe 'gut feel' in my case. It is very difficult as like so so many men, there are no symptoms, and being in hospital, for a major op, felt very surreal.. many others who have posted may relate to that. All the very best
Regards Gordon
Edited by member 18 Mar 2021 at 00:07
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