My PSA is still less than 0.03. Continence is fine unless I am very tired when I may have a very small drip. This is not a problem however and easily avoided. ED still appears to be a work in progress. Spontaneous nocturnal erections have returned and I can now “function” without Viagra, but it still helps a lot. Given that only nerves on the right were spared, this recovery is far better than I expected. All in all, life has pretty much returned to normal, although concerns of a relapse are never too far away, especially when the PSA test is due. I had a few anxious days in February when I woke up with an intense pain in my back/shoulder. My immediate conclusion was that the cancer had returned, despite the low PSA. However this was diagnosed as a trapped nerve which cleared up within a few weeks. I have yet to arrive at a place where I do not attribute any ache or pain to prostate cancer and can follow the surgeons advice to “stop worrying and get on with life” ! Best wishes and good luck for to anybody embarking or embarking upon prostate cancer treatment