Hi all
Im 36 years old. Back in January I experienced some problems with urination. I had hesitancy and when I did start only a small amount came out even though I felt like I was bursting. I was having to go every 20mins or so. Also had erection problems and ejaculation was painful. Doc did a DRE and all was fine. It was done again a week later and again fine. Also had a scan to see how much urine was in my bladder as I was bursting but couldn't go...there was only 80ml in my bladder! I was given antibiotics for 4 weeks (even though urine tests were clear). After about 4 weeks, it eased and went back to normal.
Now it seems to have come back. Not as bad this time in that I don't need the toilet as much but I do feel like I've been sitting on a bike. There's a tightness in my perineual area and I feel a tightness when I ejaculate. I feel like I have been sitting on a bike. I am worried that it's something sinister that that docs aren't picking up but at the same time I'm wondering if it was something worse, it wouldn't have cleared up for around a month surely?
Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with these issues if they have experienced them too? I spoke to a urologist the other day on phone and he thinks it is an over active bladder and is sending a letter to the doc to tell me which medications to try. This will take 2 weeks though so in the meantime any advice would be welcome!
Edited by member 11 Apr 2021 at 20:20
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