I am 6 weeks out from RP surgery. I am doing ok (I think) with incontinence having gone from tears of humiliation and numerous pads to 2 / 3 pads a day and dry at night , when I say dry I mean I haven't peed the bed but get up every 2 hours to pee and have little leakage. During the day I'm leaking a bit when sitting and more when moving , walking , this has improved in the past 2 weeks.
I have 2 questions :
1) I am asked how many pads I use but this seems to be very subjective . I change them when I think its time , they don't leak but they are sometimes pretty yellow especially after a walk. The number of pads seems to be used as an indicator of progress how do I know if my 'pad policy' is the correct one for 'clinical' purposes ?
2) When should I be having a glass of wine or proper coffee ( I forgot to ask the consultant ) ? The information says to avoid both but for how long ? Is it for the rest of my life ? I would love just one glass with dinner and a proper coffee in the morning. What he others done ?
Many thanks