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Rise in latest PSA

Posted 09 May 2021 at 14:03


Male 63 good health normal BMI. Have PSA checked yearly. Last few results:

Oct 17 0.94

Jan 18 0.91

July 19 0.79

Aug 20 0.75

Apr 21 2.44

As they were going down surprised to see a more than double rise. DRE  was ok.

Should I ask for retest or any thing else? Reading past posts not sure if this is cause for concern. Actually thought of MRI is more scary than biopsies etc! Very clostrophobic.  Any one know wide bore short tunnel MRI In Newcastle?


Best Wishes Doug


Posted 09 May 2021 at 16:30


Looking at your early posts are you still on Finasteride ?

Thanks Chris

Edited by member 10 May 2021 at 09:59  | Reason: Spelling

Posted 10 May 2021 at 07:59


Was this test shortly after a COVID vaccination? If so, there have been a small number of cases in local support groups of dramatic increases in PSA when measured soon after a COVID vaccination, which return to expected value a month later.

Otherwise, go back to your GP and get checked for a urine infection (dip test). If present, that must be resolved before a further PSA test.

In any case, ask for a PSA retest in 4-6 weeks. If that rise over a year is genuine and not a temporary effect of an infection or COVID vaccination, then you need to be referred to urology due to the rate of rise in a year.

If the rise is following a COVID vaccination and resolves in 4-6 weeks, please fill out a yellow card on the COVID vaccination: https://coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/. The "Suspected Reaction" field to use is "PSA increased".

If you are still on Finasteride, you need to remember to double your PSA readings.

Posted 10 May 2021 at 11:54
Doug, I had an MRI scan of my pelvis (not cancer related) last week, and my head was outside the machine for the whole scan. It wasn't a claustrophobic experience at all.

Best wishes,


Posted 10 May 2021 at 13:40


Many thanks for taking time to reply

PSA was done before 2nd jab of vax. Will note urine test and take from there.

Last vax was 12 weks ago.

Finesteride was stopped a while ago.

Am looking for MRI's near me!

Thanks again for comments very appreciated.

Posted 10 May 2021 at 17:13
I don't think you need to start worrying about scans at this point. If the PSA was around 0.7 / 0.8 on finasteride it isn't hugely surprising that it has risen to 2.7 since you stopped taking it. You need a few equitable readings to establish a pattern so probably at least another 2 tests before you can say with any confidence that your PSA is rising, falling or holding steady.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 10 May 2021 at 18:09
I was pleasantly surprised at my MRI scan in Carlisle in March - although enclosed (with legs outside) comfortable and the only issue, noise, is significantly reduced due to the ear plugs. In contrast I found the biopsy to be extremely uncomfortable but bearable. The bone scan is straightforward (Freemans March).
Posted 20 May 2021 at 09:51
hi thanks agin for comments.

Having a urine test in couple weeks, if the dip stick is negativethen will have another PSA done that day.

The finseteride only lasted for 3 months.

Thik there is wide bore , 70cm and short tunnels ones near!


Posted 31 Jul 2021 at 15:01
well another PSA test and back down to 0.77 so good. Dont know why last one was high, I did take precautions!

SOme thing good

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