Just and update from my consultation with the consultant who will be responsible for my biopsy.
I was told the result of my scan can be one of two things Prostate cancer or inflammation of the prostate “prostatitis’ we decided to go ahead with the Biopsy.
we discussed many scenarios about my condition unfortunately as I was trying to take in everything he had to say I forgot to discuss one very important concern of mine and would really appreciate feedback if anyone else has had similar problems.
For the last 12 months I have had really bad leg, hip, neck and back pain. Over the last 3 months the pain has been quite chronic and debilitating to the point I go for massages to try and relieve my pain and to be honest the massages give me only temporary relief before my pain returns as I am writing to you I have have really bad leg pain particularly around my groin, thighs and neck I often get tingling sensations around my abdomen. I have mentioned my leg pain in the past to other consultants but they kind of avoided my concern ‘worryingly.
My Mri scan result could be cancer but it could also be An infection of the prostate “Prostatitis” one of the symptoms of prostatitis is CPPS chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
I have the tell take signs of this condition this is why I want to discuss this with The Professor because it may make him have second thoughts of the biopsy? Then again It may not ? nonetheless, I need to discuss it ASAP just in case the narrative has changed and we should look at my condition in a different way.
In the very beginning my doctor thought I had prostatitis because of my psa level after taking antibiotics on several occasions my psa did come down after a long course but then returned which was why I was referred to a specialist. I stopped taking antibiotics because I kept coming out in Hives “urticaria”
I understand the reasons of having My biopsy because we need to rule out cancer yet I can’t help thinking it maybe prostatitis and having the biopsy may cause other implications that could be avoided.
I have sent an email to the consultant to discuss my concern and hope to hear from him soon.
I just wanted to voice my concerns to you guys out there and get your opinions.
thank you.