My Husband was diagnosed early this year and it was a huge shock, as I am sure it has been for everyone, but the Consultant who did his biopsy was 80% certain it was some inflammation and even he was shocked when the cancer was diagnosed.
His biopsy was done on his prostatic urethra and showed a Gleason score of 4+5 and his CT scan suggested T3c. MRI showed T2o NO and Bone scan MO.
He was recommended to have HT and then radiotherapy and we are now three months into the hormone treatment with his planning appointment mid June for the radiotherapy.
I need some advice as until now I have been able to attend Consultant appointments with him and help him to remember all that was said to him. He has become a little bit forgetful since taking the HT and is sometimes quite absent minded which he wasn't before having these drugs.
We have been told I cannot attend the planning consultation and I am really concerned he will not remember everything which has been said to him. I intend to go to all his treatment days as we do live about an hour and a half away from the hospital and I am concerned about him driving back once the treatment kicks in as I understand tiredness can get worse as the treatment progresses and I can do the driving if necessary.
If I can also ask another question, I have noticed from reading posts that a lot of gentlemen obtain access to thier patient records but today my Husband asked at the surgery to have access to his and he was kind of fobbed off by being told they only contain information from the surgery and will have no hospital information on them but we have never been given test results or biopsy results how do we gain access to these?
Many thanks in advance, I seem to be burning the midnight oil many nights searching for information as my Husband will not do this and has just decided to take all the treatment and not really ask much about what is going on so I am trying to be informed in order to help him.