Hi all and thanks in advance for any help.
I'm now 77 but 12 years ago, with my PSA at 22.3, I had a robotic prostatectomy at Addenbrooke's, Cambridge UK, which unfortunately due to other factors failed to remove all the cancer cells at the margins. So three months later it was followed up with radiotherapy. Even after this, although PSA went down to below 0.1 it did not return to minimum (0.02) so was told cancer might one day return.
Over the following decade PSA gradually crept up until by December 2019 it had reachednd 1.8. Covid then interrupted testing until May 2021 by which time it had jumped to 6.9, and now, just four weeks later, it has jumped again to 8.2.
So this coming Monday (14 June 2021) I go back to hospital, this time to Lister Hospital, Stevenage, for scans and tests. I assume the outcome of these tests will point to a regime of treatments as I have already been advised to expect HT and possibly chemo.
Several questions are spinning around my head right now. So I would be grateful for any feedback on the following, especially from anyone who is in a similar situation or is currently undergoing HT.
Q1: How can I find out about the survival rates for men in their late 70s whose PC has returned following surgery and radiotherapy?
Q2: I am aware that HT can have unpleasant side effects but what are the stats to show how much it delays the onset of advanced PC? If PC is diagnosed, how essential is it to agree to undergo HT?
Q3: What alternative / supplemantary treatments are there for patients whose PC has returned and how effective are they?
Q4: What if I decline all treatments - for the time being at any rate? What if I choose to wait until I start to suffer pain?
Advice on any of the above will be hugely appreciated!