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Bodies of Data - An artscience collaborative workshop

Posted 10 Jun 2021 at 17:26

University College London (UCL) are seeking people with experience of prostate cancer to contribute to an arts lead public patient involvement workshop. Those selected to take part will receive an honorarium of £50 as a thank you for their time and input.

Bodies of Data is an arts-based workshop exploring the role of data within prostate cancer treatment and research. We invite patients who have gone through or are going through prostate cancer treatment to an online Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) workshop.

Through the course of the (virtual) workshop, participants, researchers and clinicians involved in the treatment of prostate cancer will take part in creative and exploratory activities in order to creatively articulate their thoughts and feelings about the place of data in healthcare. After the workshop the artists will use the ideas and materials generated in the workshop to create artworks which will be shared publicly at the end of the project.

More info: Click here before 25 June 2021: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bodies-of-data-tickets-156110192789




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