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Are you currently on active surveillance? Our researchers need your help!

Posted 19 Jul 2021 at 13:00

The research:

Professor Ahmed at Imperial College London is putting a research proposal together which looks at confirming whether yearly MRI scans are more accurate (than regular blood tests and rectal examinations) in ruling-out and detecting when the progression of prostate cancer in patients on active surveillance.

What they want from you:

The researchers are looking to hold a focus group and as someone on active surveillance, they want to speak to you about some of the issues and to get your help to feed in to the design of their research project. There’s further scope (if you wish) for you to also be involved in the communication strategy to patients who wish to consider enrolling in the study and to help with their strategy to share the final results to patients and other stakeholders. Your time will be reimbursed at NIHR INVOLVE rates (between £20-30).

Why it’s important:

The UK NICE guidelines currently say that active surveillance should involve regular prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood tests, rectal examination and an MRI at one year followed by another prostate biopsy if indicated. After one year, they advise only regular PSA blood tests and rectal examinations and for doctors to decide when further MRI and biopsy tests should be done. Currently, we do not know how accurate the current NICE protocol is in identifying progression of cancer. Studies have shown that regular MRI scans of the prostate might be a better at detecting progression than PSA and rectal examinations and occasional biopsies. Studies have also shown that regular MRI scans might reduce the need for biopsies. However, the evidence is not strong enough to reassure doctors and patients or for changing NICE guidelines

Interested in getting involved?

The focus group will take place in the next few weeks so contact us now at research@prostatecanceruk.org for more information or to sign-up.


Best wishes

Digital Manager
Prostate Cancer UK



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