Ok, back with an update.
I had an appointment with my urologist, who strongly recommended an MRI. I had an MRI which revealed the following:
Size (AP x TRV x CC): 4.1 x 5.3 x 4.6 cm = 52 mL.
Central gland enlargement (BPH): Moderate.
There is multiple areas of mild T2 hypointensity throughout the peripheral zone
which appear mildly wedge-shaped, with a single more focal area of signal
abnormality as described:
Lesion: 1
Size: 0.7 cm, series 5/20 and 4/18.
Location: Left lateral peripheral zone near the mid gland.
T2-weighted images: Score 4: Circumscribed, homogeneous moderate
hypointense focus/mass confined to prostate and less than 1.5 cm in greatest
Diffusion-weighted images: Score 3: Focal (discrete and different from
background) hypointense on ADC and/or focal hyperintense on high b-value DWI;
may be markedly hypointense on ADC or markedly hyperintense on high b-value DWI, but not both.
Dynamic post-contrast images: (+) Focal, and earlier than or
contemporaneous with enhancement of adjacent normal prostatic tissues, and,
corresponds to a finding on T2-weighted and/or DWI.
PI-RADS Assessment Category: 3, Intermediate (presence of clinically significant
cancer equivocal.
Extra-prostatic extension (EPE): Abuts capsule without visualized EPE.
Seminal vesicles: Normal.
URINARY BLADDER: Unremarkable.
LYMPH NODES: No pelvic lymphadenopathy.
BONES: No suspicious osseous lesion.
1. PI-RADSv2 Category 3 - Intermediate (the presence of clinically significant
cancer is equivocal). Multiple areas of wedge-shaped mild signal abnormality
throughout the prostate gland, suspected related to sequela prostatitis. Single
more focal area of more moderate signal abnormality within the left lateral
peripheral zone, may also reflect sequela prostatitis versus a a small focus of
neoplasm. Follow-up MRI recommended.
2. Calculated prostate volume of 52 mL.
I haven't had any follow up PSA, but that is scheduled for Feb 9th. I am sure my urologist will recommend a biopsy, but it seems that one of the guidelines now for recommending a biopsy is PSA Density. Mine right now is 0.24 (using the PSA from 12/29/23 of 12.54). If my PSA decreases on Feb 9th to anything lower than 5.2, guidelines seem to indicate that you might need to hold off on a biopsy. Anyone have experience with this?