Prior to the tumour, I was classed as being in remission, however didn't last long as the tumour took no prisoners. I had 1 session of chemo, COVID stopped that and was placed on Arbiterone. Due to the fact Arbiterone was not working, the Tumour (rectal) grew quickly, causing all sorts of pain. From there I had 10 radiotherapy sessions and then put on olaparib. I had serious fatigue during that time stopping me going back to work. GP also said no to a return to work, this being 6 months point. GP eventually signed me back to work but only on a part time basis on a phased return. Fatigue still effects me which prevents me going all the way to full time. Also weight gain I think is due to steroids and the monthly injection of hormone, just slows me down. So full time just now will be very difficult for me. I'm on day 2 of new 4 day week and flagging already. I've had no op and diagnosed with PCa so it's here to stay! This being why I'm not full time or fit to do that just now.
Why I wrote disability act, just force of habit I guess, been working in social work since 1997, I should know better lol 😁... And yes the Act is there to support folk in my position thankfully.
I ended up contacting Macmillan employment team who appear to be very supportive and have offered some ways forward already. I think I will hold fire with employment lawyer and see how Macmillan can support me through this.
Anyhoo, thank you all for posting on my thread 👍😊