I should add that I also have a condition known as Mesenteric Panniculitis that is inflamation in the Mesentery surrounding the bowel - around the descending colon in my case. It causes a dull ache in my left-lower abdomen. I have had 2 CT scans, and scopes from both ends (not at the same time!) - all clear apart from internal piles, mild gastritis and a small hiatus hernia.
My epididymitis/orchitis are covered in another post.
I had mesh repair of an inguinal hernia a few years back. No issues since.
I also have glaucoma - but don't think that is related at all!
My Father had bladder cancer (and died from it - he basically bled to death....) and the prostate is close to the bladder.
About 15 years ago I had urinary symptoms (hesitation, frequency, poor flow), PSA was fairly low (max was 4.1), but it was before MRIs were the first stop so I had a Biopsy (gun up the bum). All negative. I discovered that an anti-anxiety medication - Citalopram - can cause the symptoms, came off it (slowly) and symptoms resolved!
Also, I am a blood donor (76 so far), at my last session (November 2020) they rejected me due to low Hb (131 on their machine). They gave me a leaflet about diet changes I could make, already eating all the things on the list (apart from Tofu... which I hate!).
Went to the doc, blood test showed Hb was lowish but not much (142), neutrophils were under 2 (should be over).
Had repeated blood tests - Hb fairly stable, neutrophils went down to 1.5 - had a blood film, nothing remarkable.
Had another test when I had last PSA (July 2021), neutrophils now 2.1, HB 150.
Edited by member 05 Aug 2021 at 11:02
| Reason: Added FBC results