The TRUs biopsy is an uncomfortable feeling but not painful. I started clenching my muscles anticipating the click until the doctor told me to stop. I've often wondered if that was why 2 pins had no sample.
They theoretically have 14 days to see you, up to 31 days to diagnose and 62 days to treatment from the referral date. I thought I was heading for 95 days for treatment, that's 5 years ago. Leaving the surgeon's room I said I'm ready tomorrow if you can fit me in. Strangely I saw a flash of thought in his eyes that had me puzzling. The day after I was offered an appointment 30 days earlier than he said which was almost faster than the system could take, it was near Xmas and I guessed he slid me in on his last day from what was said.
That's a bit of a ramble but the factors in scheduling are many and I can give other examples of when making your preferences known quickly seemed to help.
All the best Peter
Edited by member 22 Aug 2021 at 16:08
| Reason: says 'dates from referral'