Hi Everyone, I am sure I am not the first person to put a post like this on here but feeling totally panicked and hoping someone can offer me some hope.
My Dad was diagnosed with PC in 2017 at that point he had a PSA of 74 and a Gleason of 7 (4+3) he had Rt and 2 years of HT. All was well until 18 months ago his PSA started to creep up. We were told it was normal for is to increase after HT and would settle down again. 6 months ago it was 2.3 which I was concerned about but was told until it hit 4 not to panic. His latest test came back at 7.9 which then triggered scans and they have just come back showing it is back and it's now in his bones. He apparently has hotspots in his right hip.
He is a really healthy 72 year old, vegan diet, really active. We all feel totally blindsided and distraught. We lost our mum to an aggressive brain tumour 3 years ago and my husband is just completing treatment for bowel cancer so to be here again feels desperate.
I have read about lots of men who have lived for quite some time with it in their bones at the point of diagnosis but am wondering if we are in a worse situation because it has come back and has only now spread to his bones? He has an appointment in 3 weeks to discuss treatment options. I understand there are possible HT options, maybe chemo? When my Mum was ill we did not have a lot of options because of her age (she was 66) but I am thinking that with prostate cancer, if he is otherwise healthy we will still have options?
Is there anyone out there who has been in a similar situation?
Thanks for reading x