After some advice / promising hope please?
My partner Ian has had Advanced Prostate Cancer (also in his bones) for nearly 4 years now and had chemo (docetaxel) initially in January 2018 and been on abiraterone for the last 2 years along with steriods.
He hasn't been feeling too great in the last couple of months and thought it was a re-occurring kidney infection which he had last October. In the last 4 weeks he's spent 2 stints off 4 days in the hospital due to this.
He stopped taking his steriods as he couldn't keep anything down. Oncology said it was okay to stop the tablets but they have since said they meant the abiraterone alone and not the steriods. He had 11 days approximately no steriods.
He's since had a CT scan from Oncology and it turns out it wasn't a kidney infection but last Monday been diagnosed with secondary prostate cancer of the liver which is aggressive.
He's struggling to eat and has lost 11Kg in the last two months.
They asked him if he felt he was able for chemo and he said yes. He does seem a lot stronger since hospital but no where near where he was before the end of July.
I asked if there was anything they could prescribe to make him feel more human and hopefully get his appetite and strength back up before chemo and they prescribed Dexamethasone instead of his Prednisolone steriods.
He's still not got a great appetite but managing to keep food down and not being sick.
He's got his pre-assessment for Chemo tomorrow then his first bout of Chemo (cabazitaxel) on Monday.
Anyone been in the same boat and if so, can you let me know if I can expect some positivity or has this horrendous disease got a hold too much??
Am I being over-realistic thinking he will start to get a bit stronger after his first blast of chemo?
Appreciate you taking the time to read this and hope someone can provide some strength and positivity in these really hard times.