I had a RARP and EBRT at Addenbrookes in 2009, after which my PSA rose slowly but steadily from 0.06 in 2010 to 0.25 by 2014.
At that point the oncologist discharged me saying he did not want to see me again until my PSA had reached at least 10, and even then he would probably not want to take any action until it had reached 15 or maybe even 20.
By 2019 my PSA had risen to 1.8 but then by April this year it had jumped to 6,9 then a month later 8.2. Was referred back to hospital by my GP who did not want to wait until it reached 10. It continued rising to 9.4 by June but by September it had plateaued at 9.5.
PET and MRI scans at hospital showed nothing definite enough to take action, so the onco has decided to wait and see what happens to my PSA. I'm now due another PSA test in January 2022 and have an appt to review early Feb.