Hi All,
After 18 months of HT ( Prostap, which failed, then Zoladex) trying to get a reluctant PSA down to a decent level, my oncologist gave the green light to prep me up for the start of RT.
However, 4 scans later and despite numerous manipulations, we have not been able to get a satisfactory sighting shot: there are too many loops of bowel in the firing line for him to be willing to sign off a treatment plan.
I have a meeting with him next week to discuss options, but I imagine he is going to refer me back to surgery. ( With an enlarged prostate, T2C NoMo, I was not a natural candidate for cryo, brachy or HIFU).
That wasn't my first choice, so it's a tad disappointing, especially after burning so much elapsed time, and I am back to doing my research over again.
It occurs to me that , with no backstop of salvage RT to mop up any close to the edge or stray bits of cancer, any surgery is likely to be more explicitly 'on the safe side', and less inclined to be nerve sparing. Am I being overly apprehensive?
And , after such a lengthy period on HT, should I be looking for an updated MRI to have a fresh look at the lay of the land in there?