Hi Tony saw the Oncologist before his CT scan and did say that 5 years was the prognosis when we questioned further treatment avenues, we know Tony has been lucky and attribute that to Abiraterone
The results from the CT done at Nuffield Hospital are as follows
Scelerotic deposit right side T9; insufficiency fractures of superior end T12 &;L1 and possible superior end plate L4.
Forwarded this on to oncology and eventually last week oncology nurse rang to say she had good news Consultant arranged for a PET scan at Birmingham, not got appointment yet.
Really upset about the progression of the disease, the only metastases for 13 year was in the Rt hip, not been seen for 2 years only telephone appointments by the Oncology Nurse who said on one occasion the pain in his right side was possibly cramp and to help with household chores, good exercise. In October 2019 promised further Radiotherapy on the hip after Radiotherapy to the Prostate in 2019 but this did not happen, only the 12 weekly phone appointments, they would do nothing until PSA was 4
PSA 5.7 GGT 89 any advice please