I am 41 years old. I had weak pain/discomfort in the bottom right abdomen, GP asked me to do CT scan that found that "There is calcification in the prostate gland". GP said I should not worry about it, but just in case asked to do PSA test.
Result of the test was 3.7. According to the doctor it is just a little elevated, but no reason to worry right now. He asked to do PHI blood test in about a month.
After the PSA result I read about the test and realised that I made two mistakes:
1. Ejaculation before PSA test. Probably several hours before, certainly a day before, possible both. I don't remember exactly. Doctor did not warn me that it can elevate PSA result.
2. Exercises day before the test. Not too much but quick walk/almost run for one hour. Same as above, I did not know it can affect PSA.
So might be I should not worry too much and the next PSA will be lower if I do not repeat these mistakes.
But meanwhile I did a colonoscopy. No relation with PSA issue, but I asked the surgeon to check prostate in addition to what he was going to do. As a result he added these lines to the report:
"The R prostatic lobe felt a little firmer than the left."
"Review with GP regarding PSA & prostate"
(is it just due to prostate calcification or something more serious?)
Other notes:
1. I had "Massive Grade III Haemorroids" according to the surgeon report (which were already removed, but they were in place at the day of the PSA test). Probably it is good, due to I read that they can increase PSA test result (but I have no idea whether it is true or not)
2. As long as I remember myself, I also have the following: "dribbling after urination, excessive urination at night, frequent urination and weak urinary stream" - they do not bother me and I found out that they are symptoms of BPH (as well as about BPH itself) just couple days ago.
Any suggestions/recommendations/ideas where to go from here would be greatly appreciated. Did anybody here had similar issues?
Probably the most obvious, what I should do is just to wait for a month, prepare well (no sex, no sport for several days before the test), not to panic until the test and finally to do PSA test.
But I am very nervous. Any idea what it all can be?
Edited by member 18 Nov 2021 at 10:29
| Reason: Not specified