Transperineum is the more modern biopsy. Less chance of infection, general anaesthetic means he won't be able to drive home. I think I have seen some reports of bruising and pain for a few days, I don't think he will want to do any cycling for a few days.
Obviously the day of the biopsy he will need off work, the rule with driving is 24 hrs after general anesthetic, so I would say any job where someone may die if he makes a mistake he should take the next day off work as well.
Not too sure how long he should leave things before ejaculating perhaps a day or two but not more than a week. The colour of what comes out will be alarming, things will slowly get back to normal over about a month.
I hope this turns out to be nothing, but you can tell your OH he will have it all to look forward to again in about 40 years.