Having being diagnosed with Gleason 3 +4 T2BN0M0 in May 2021 at aged 57 I had RARP in June 2021 and last 2 PSA readings were <0.03 so undetectable.
I never have lower back pain but since October 2021 (4 months post op) I have experienced lower back pain on my right side. It feels like muscular pain but it has not gone and as I had read somewhere that lower back pain can be an indicator of cancer Im therefore now completely paranoid that perhaps the cancer had spread before they took it out? I did not have any PET scans or bone scans prior to RARP as both RMH leading onco and surgeon said not necessary. So my questions are how likely is this to be related to my prostate cancer and what should I do? Could my PSA be undetectable as it is a present but the cancer still have spread prior to the op without us knowing? Any advice or observations gratefully received. Should I know be insisting on bone and PET scans? I thought my undetectable PSA meant I was in the clear for now but now Im not so sure….