Dr No, as LynEyre says (she is the most reliable information source on this forum) incontinence is a consequence of surgery that depends to a considerable extent on things neither you or our sugeon can predict in advance. The main one is the relation of the "internal" sphincter (there are two, but this is the one that gets damaged) to the prostate. Because the sphincter wraps around the ureter (tube taking urine from the bladder to the penis) immediately above and sometimes overlapping the prostate, it depends how much removal of the prostate also damages the sphincter or the nerves it depends on. No one, not even the best surgeon, knows that in advance.
But the good news is that probabilities are in your favour. A lot of men recover continence completely, and of the rest most are like me needing one pad a day. It goes on when I get dressed in the morning, and is disposed of when I go to bed (leakages aren't a problem horizontal in bed). Some days the pad is more full than others, but still OK. Very occasionally I realise the pad is pretty full at some point in the afternoon and change it - it is impossible to predict in advance although I do know that certain things (lots of coffee, activities like gardening that put pressure on the bladder) sometimes correlate. My biggest risk personally is alcohol, reasonable amounts are completely fine but parties where my glass is continually filled without me knowing how much I have had (or, after a while, worrying about it) do lead to sphincter issues.