Hi Barry. I've been feeling fatigued over the last 6 months ago and with no immediate thoughts on the cause I just put it down to getting old however, during one of my blood tests it was noted that my ferritin levels were out of range (low).
Apart from the fatigue I presented with no other symptoms of anaemia and after discounting blood loss due to cancers of the colon/rectum/small bowel as being the cause she felt it was down to low absorbtion of the iron in my diet.
It looks as though the PPIs I take for a hiatus hernia are the likely cause of poor absorbtion of iron and she prescribed a iron supplements in liquid form and after a few weeks on it (apart from the usual side effects that come with taking an iron supplement), my level of fatigue has halved.
Perhaps your ferritin levels need investigating? Not all GPs add this test to the usual ones that are tested when your bloods are done and I'm pleased that she had the foresight to add it to mine, as the usual indicators of anaemia weren't present in the other elements of the blood that were tested that would indicate low iron levels in the blood.
It's totally wierd medical science to me how the usual blood tests for anaemia can show nothing amiss yet the ferritin level can indicate there is.
Just posting this as having fatigue can be a right b*****d when you're used to being active or as near as can be and it may be that my experience could be helpful in identifying the cause of your fatigue and even if it isn't, it's something that can be ticked off the list.
All the best and hope it's resolved soon.