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Choices choices choices

Posted 04 Feb 2022 at 17:43

Hello everyone,

First time on here so thought I would start with a question.
Not the best start to 2022 for me, had a serious back injury that I’m only just getting over, and then the results of my biopsy, now sat feeling rough due to Covid and have had to cancel my meeting with the consultant. 

My stats are;

Initial symptoms, now and again had to rush to have a wee. 

54 years old, fit, healthy, never smoked, healthy diet, do like a glass of red. 

PSA, two years ago 2.5 then recently 4.5 and 4.1

Group Grade 2       Gleason 7 

30 biopsy’s 10 showed signs. (3-4)

My Father had the full Op at 58, he opted for everything taken out even though I don’t think he needed to.  He’s now 81 so can’t say he was wrong.  Unfortunately we have lost a few of his friends due to prostate cancer. 

Looking at the treatment I’m liking the sound of permanent seed brachytherapy. I’m not scared of the surgery more worried about the side effects and they all have the one I don’t want to see as I still like a cuddle! Initially thought let’s get it out but not so sure now. Seed seems so simple and back to normal quicker.  Got use to the C word as my lovely wife has been living with none curable cancer for nearly 4 years and is still doing great, fingers crossed, but really it’s down to advancements in treatments. 

Has anyone gone down the seed route and could I use it first, with possible external beam at the same time, just to cover all l bases. Then if all else fails go onto surgery? 

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I’m bad just trying to pick the winning lottery numbers and I’ve never go that right! 

Grim :)  



Posted 04 Feb 2022 at 20:51

Advances are being made all the time. Have you looked at Cryotherapy? Maybe difficult to get in this country, but many are hailing it as the next step forward.

Posted 04 Feb 2022 at 23:40

Hi grawtaw, 

I was the same age as you, but my figures a bit worse than you, I had high dose brachytherapy and EBRT. We have a few people who had low dose brachytherapy and I think EBRT.

You may also need a few months of hormone therapy, somewhere between six months and two years, not great for the sex life.

If you are suitable for a focal therapy then they have the least side effects but are not common in the UK.

Surgery is seldom possible after radiation has been used, and in all likelihood if the first treatment doesn't work it has already spread and surgery would be pointless.


Posted 05 Feb 2022 at 16:10

Hi I had Brachytherpy in September 2016 that was picked up on a private blood test for renewal of my 7.5 ton driving licence at 70 and the doctor suggested i have further tests.

It was found that i had a PSA 2.19 with Gleason 3+4= 7  NO MO and 5 cores out of 20 positive and was offered Robotic surgery or Brachytherpy and i felt the brachytherapy has less side affects and was less intrusive.

I am 5 years on and very happy with the results with PSA 0.05 and signed of by Specialist in 2021.

I can't tell you what option is best for you so read up as much as you can before making a decision.

If you click on my Avatar you can see my journey and i will be happy to answer a questions you may have.

Good Luck John.

Posted 05 Feb 2022 at 17:48

There are a number of therapies with the main ones undertaken in the UK being Radical prostatectomy or Radiotherapy. As you will read these can and often come with significant side effects as well as longer recovery times. 

I would also look at focal treatments which just treat the cancer rather than the whole prostate as additional options too. Main ones are HIFU and IRE. If your interested in IRE look at my blog


Good luck x

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Posted 04 Feb 2022 at 20:51

Advances are being made all the time. Have you looked at Cryotherapy? Maybe difficult to get in this country, but many are hailing it as the next step forward.

Posted 04 Feb 2022 at 23:40

Hi grawtaw, 

I was the same age as you, but my figures a bit worse than you, I had high dose brachytherapy and EBRT. We have a few people who had low dose brachytherapy and I think EBRT.

You may also need a few months of hormone therapy, somewhere between six months and two years, not great for the sex life.

If you are suitable for a focal therapy then they have the least side effects but are not common in the UK.

Surgery is seldom possible after radiation has been used, and in all likelihood if the first treatment doesn't work it has already spread and surgery would be pointless.


Posted 05 Feb 2022 at 16:10

Hi I had Brachytherpy in September 2016 that was picked up on a private blood test for renewal of my 7.5 ton driving licence at 70 and the doctor suggested i have further tests.

It was found that i had a PSA 2.19 with Gleason 3+4= 7  NO MO and 5 cores out of 20 positive and was offered Robotic surgery or Brachytherpy and i felt the brachytherapy has less side affects and was less intrusive.

I am 5 years on and very happy with the results with PSA 0.05 and signed of by Specialist in 2021.

I can't tell you what option is best for you so read up as much as you can before making a decision.

If you click on my Avatar you can see my journey and i will be happy to answer a questions you may have.

Good Luck John.

Posted 05 Feb 2022 at 17:48

There are a number of therapies with the main ones undertaken in the UK being Radical prostatectomy or Radiotherapy. As you will read these can and often come with significant side effects as well as longer recovery times. 

I would also look at focal treatments which just treat the cancer rather than the whole prostate as additional options too. Main ones are HIFU and IRE. If your interested in IRE look at my blog


Good luck x

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