I've read your profile and posts and wish you the best.
It's good that your hospital is offering another PSMA scan at 0.5, especially doing one at 0.25 as well, although at your age they should be offering you all the options.
Your psa doesn't rise with a constant doubling rate but it looks like it's up to 50% in 6 months. If your next test is in January you might be around 0.5. It seems many hospitals wait or say they wait until 0.5. Obviously it's better to find it as soon as possible so I'll be pushing for much earlier as well.
Are you now on 6 months testing? It depends on yourself but I didn't want to go to 6 months between tests and asked to stay on 4 months. If you did that you might be around psa 0.4 in November and over 0.5 in March 25. So maybe 6 months is better for you. The other side of that is if you were over 0.4 in November you could be asking for a psma slot as it will take a couple of months to get it, with Christmas in the way, and if it's positive it will take time to find out and get RT. Although once they found it you might go back onto HT to weaken it before the RT.
I've seen on YouTube that a triple blast of HT, RT, HT, Chemo can be used for high grade cases. If it becomes too tough you can ask for it to be changed or stopped. They say PCa Chemo isn't as tough as other chemos. Not that I know about it though.
It hasn't happened to me but I don't subscribe to the Quality of Life opinion. I'd want the full blast and hope to live long after it. At least I think so.
My psa is rising very slowly and so I have an interest in psa and how it turns out as I want to have PSMA scans earlier than 0.5, which is what they're saying at present.
It would be useful if your profile was updated. If you don't mind I wrote it down to see it more clearly, and have pasted it in below. I'll delete it if you don't want it there.
Nov 18 Diagnosis
Jan 19 RP, psa 1.7
Mar to May 19 AdvRT + HT
Feb 20 end HT psa 0.01
Jan 22 psa 0.03
Mar 22 psa 0.04
Jun 22 psa 0.06
Sept 22 psa 0,08
Dec 22 psa 0.1
Jun 23 psa 0.15
Sept 23 psa 0.21
Nov 23 PSMA scan
Jan 24 psa 0.23
Jul 24 psa 0.34
All the best,