If it is G9 and they are not planning on saving the nerves, there must be a suspicion that the cancer is close to or already breaking out of the gland. Have the surgeon and oncologist both provided you with the data on how likely each treatment is to be successful? Hard for you to make a decision without all the data. For example, if the surgeon says that there is a good chance that the op won't get it all and your man will need salvage radiotherapy anyway, you might wonder what the benefit is of having the op at all. Or you might be happy going into surgery knowing that there is a chance it won't work but hoping that removing the bulk of the cancer and mopping up with RT will be effective. Also, non nerve sparing increases the risk of long term incontinence.
Based on my husband's stats, the surgeon gave a 55% chance of the surgery being successful but we didn't understand the significance of that at the time and went ahead with it. It was very upsetting when the cancer came back and he needed radiotherapy anyway - double side effects :-(
I suppose I am just saying ask enough questions to really understand the choice you are making; for example, have they explained the potential side effects of having a number of lymph nodes removed? With a G9 and concern about the lymph nodes has the oncologist talked to you about the possibility of whole pelvis RT with brachytherapy boost?
Edited by member 11 Feb 2022 at 23:26
| Reason: Not specified