Firstlh, thank you all for contributing to this community forum it makes you realise. I'm not alone!
I'm 70 but still fit and very active.
I saw my GP in November : symptoms going to toilet more often up to 5 times a night ect. I had back and hip pain but prompt to see GP was loss of weight 2 1/2 stone over short period without trying. Initially I put down to having stopped drinking (alcohol) but some told me they had been diagnosed with cancer following similar weight loss.
GP took serious sent me for PSA the same day. The results came back after a couple of days with a score of 39. GP referred me to urology & my life changed. Bone scan, MRI & Colonoscopy (the result of sample GP asked for which caused concern). I was/am amazed how much was arranged & happen in the month or so after I went to GP.
Results. PSA- 39, Bone scan - clear with no sign metastatic disease, Colonoscopy- clear, MRI- showed no speed outside of prostate, but suspicious signs of PC. All of these results came just after Christmas. The MIR results led to biopsy in mid January. This unfortunately confirmed PC. Cancer found with "maximum single core I involvement of 100%" in all 32 samples taken! This was graded as Gleason 3+4=7, grade Group 2, T2
I had a PSMA PET-Scan last Friday & will get the results on 22 February.
My confusion is, am I right in thinking that "Cancer found with maximum single core involvement of 100% in all 32 samples taken' means that my whole prostate is cancerus (not sure that's a word!) and if so does that limit my treatment options to surgery?
Am I also right in thinking that the Gleason score is to do with the type of cancer cells & not the spread of the cancer?
I realise that if the PET-scan find the cancer has spread that's a whole different ball game & not one aIm allowing myself to consider at the moment!!
Thanks so much for any light you can shine on this
best wishes to all facing up to this terrible disease.