Hi Guys,
It has been a long time since I was a regular contributor to these conversations, but my PSA is slowly but surely creeping up and I wonder if anyone else is in the same boat?
In a nutshell I was diagnosed back in 2007 locally advanced G9T3N? At that time EBRT was offered on a curative basis , I was given 60/40 odds, and once I came off HT it was clear that things weren't perfect, PSA rising from 0.2 to 6.2 between 2011-13. I was lucky to be offered salvage HDRBrachytherapy, and after that in 2015, and coming off HT again in 2016 things looked good. It took 5 years for my PSA to rise to 1, but it is now rising steadily 2.7 with a doubling rate of about 12 months.
Had a chat with the consultant today, he agrees with me, my PSA falls into the 'neither nowt nor sumat' category, its not really rising rapidly enough to be a concern, but its rising too fast for comfort.
Your thoughts would be appreciated.