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testosterone gel

Posted 13 Mar 2022 at 12:05

hi,i havent posted for a long time,my psa is still undetectable 0.05 since stopping zoladex in 2016 t3b no mo,i am seriously thinking of getting some test gel and doing it myself,i asked my gp to refer me to endocrinologist for some trt i recently got a reply that it was not a good idea, some people on here might think the same,i am underweight only 8st and skin and bone cant concentrate cant even read a paper properly etc,dont know why they would not give me some test and be monitored most people who have got the same as me there test has recovered,maybe my test has not recovered was because i was on test before being diagnosed and my own test is shut down,any thoughts please.

Posted 13 Mar 2022 at 16:44

The current thinking is that if you are post treatment with curative intent, have low stable PSA, no evidence of disease, and your Testosterone is lower than the normal range, there's no reason not to go on to TRT. This needs to come with a talk on theoretical risks and more frequent PSA (and Testosterone) monitoring.

You need to get past your GP (who I would not expect to know this) and referred to Andrology (or Urology if your hospital doesn't have a separate Andrology department).

We could keep everyone who's had curative treatment on lifelong HT and it might even reduce recurrence, but this is counterproductive because it has significant risks in itself, so we don't do this. You being refused TRT after finishing HT is indeed effectively being kept on lifelong HT, which as I said we don't do for good reasons.

However, it's not just a case of taking Testosterone in some way. You need the PSA and Testosterone level monitoring with it. It's not easy to administer Testosterone and get the level in the body correct range, and there's likely to be some trial and error with dosing at least to start with.

Posted 13 Mar 2022 at 20:39
Radar has already been seen by the endocrinologist who discussed with the urologist and refused to prescribe TRT. Radar's GP has stated that he will not go against the endocrinologist.

Radar, you can't just buy testosterone gel in the UK - I think you need a prescription or have to go through a consultation call with the online pharmacy - my guess is that as soon as you say you have had prostate cancer, they will be reluctant to sell it to you. Don't buy from an overseas supplier; you don't know what is in it!

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 13 Mar 2022 at 22:57

Thanks, Lynn and andy, how would I go about getting a second opinion because the urologist at my hospital is not very good to talk to, my oncologist who treated me was a good guy he would just let me talk and get things off my chest, there is another guy on here with the same as me but he is Gleason 9 I am 7 and he has recently got trt some drs have different views  on testosterone. 

Posted 13 Mar 2022 at 22:59
You would have to ask for a referral back to the endocrinologist, I think?
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 14 Mar 2022 at 00:33

You could ask your GP to refer you to a different hospital.

The Andrologist will undoubtedly want to check with your oncologist, so it might be an idea to know what your oncologist thinks about it.

Posted 14 Mar 2022 at 20:07

Thanks, I have sent a email to the oncologist who treated me in 2014 regarding my situation, probably won't get a reply,just have to wait and see, he might have moved on to something else. 

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